HGH:HGH use & Side effects of HGH

HGH:HGH use & Side effects of HGH

What will HGH (Human Hormone Growth) do for me?

This article mainly writes about how HGH ACTS on the body, the use of HGH, and the side effects of HGH injection from doctor Emily.
Nothing. A lot. It really depends on "you", your expectations, your training, diet, other supplementation use, etc..  By itself, HGH will induce more fat burning and muscle recovery than normal. However, even though HGH is cheaper now than it was years ago, it is still a rather expensive option for those just wanting to burn some fat. (adjust the diet, hit the cardio you fat slags).
Combining HGH with Androgen Anabolic Steroids(AAS) is where it's real magic lies because of it's synergistic nature. Think of AAS as regular grade gasoline and HGH turning them into higher premium grade fuel. You can get better results from anabolic steroids and use less of them just by incorporating HGH.
With Steroids, HGH will still increase fat burning, but the main advantage is in it's recovery support. You recovery faster, heal better and often old nagging injuries are reduced to a degree. Which basically comes down to a simple mathematical formula on why it is a great weapon in the chemical enhancement arsenal.
The faster you recovery = the faster you can work the muscle again = the more workout per year that your muscles gets = the more growth that occurs.
If you work each muscle group once a week, that is 52 workouts per year. Which is 52 times you have the opportunity to induce growth (Doesn't sound like much huh?).  Increasing your recovery ability to where you work each muscle group (or prioritize weak ones) twice every ten days will give you more workouts per year in the long run and more chances to induce growth.
HGH can also work along with AAS and increase Protein synthesis which helps you get the most from your diet. If you are going to suffer through bland food and low carbs, it at least makes sense to have something to work for your benefit right?

HGH Uses and Abuses

Synthetic human growth hormone was developed in 1985 and approved by the FDA for specific uses in children and adults. In children, HGH injections are approved for treating short stature of unknown cause as well as poor growth due to a number of medical causes, including:
  1. Turner's syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects a girl's development
  2. Prader-Willi syndrome, an uncommon genetic disorder causing poor muscle tone, low levels of sex hormones, and a constant feeling of hunger
  3. Chronic kidney disease
  4. HGH deficiency or insufficiency
  5. Children born small for gestational age
In adults, approved uses of HGH include:
  1. Short bowel syndrome, a condition in which nutrients are not properly absorbed due to severe intestinal disease or the surgical removal of a large portion of the small intestine
  2. HGH deficiency due to rare pituitary tumors or their treatment
  3. Muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS
But the most common uses for HGH are not FDA-approved. Some people use the hormone, along with other performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids in an attempt to build muscle and improve athletic performance. Yet HGH's effect on athletic performance is unknown.
Inject the HGH improperly will bring more side effects to your body

HGH Side Effects:

  1. Insulin resistant diabetes
  2. Changes in bone structure
  3. Enlarged or inflamed organs, especially the pancreas
  4. Sleep disorders
  5. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  6. Increased cranial pressure
  7. Bleeding
  8. Growth of internal organs leading to what is known as HGH Gut
  9. The appearance of moles on the skin
  10. High HGH levels could cause Gynomastia which means basically Breast growth in males
  11. Cancer that might take years to grow could with HGH spread much faster thus shortening the life expectancy of the sufferer
While the studies are as yet inconclusive, some experts are linking high HGH levels in adults with adult onset cancer. Cancer is, by definition, uncontrolled cellular growth. Since HGH injections in part encourage cellular growth and regeneration, it is thought that raising the levels of HGH (Somatropin) can encourage the formation of cancerous tumors as well.
People who have certain conditions are not good candidates for Human Growth Hormone injections and should avoid this therapy entirely. These conditions include:
  1. Any type of cancer
  2. Scoliosis
  3. Organ diseases, especially in the liver, pancreas and kidneys
  4. Any type of diabetes
  5. High blood pressure
  6. Joint and limb disorders, especially carpal tunnel syndrome
  7. Any issues with the thyroid gland
While interest in Human Growth Hormone injection therapy continues to grow, these potential side effects should be considered carefully before committing to this expensive and potentially dangerous treatment option.
HGH supplements like Genf20 Plus, Genfx, Somatropinne and Sytropin are less expensive, do not require a prescription, and use natural ingredients to encourage your body to produce higher levels of HGH on it's own without the risk of serious side effects.



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