Cytomel (T3) powder: How to use Cytomel (T3) powder for cycle safely?

Cytomel (T3) powder: How to use Cytomel (T3) powder for cycle safely?

Cytomel (T3) powder

T3 is one of the two biologically active thyroid hormones, the other being T4. T3 is seen as more potent although less prominent in the body, and T4 can act as a reservoir of potential T3, to be converted into the more potent form through a class of enzymes known as deiodinases.

Cytomel(T3) powder for cycle

To be quite honest, with T3, I don't ever pyramid or taper doses. I choose a dose, then I start and finish with the same dose. That being said, it takes a few trials and errors to find the sweet spot for T3. So it wouldn't hurt to start at 50 mcg to see if you get a good response. Increases would be ok to do in 20 to 25 mcg increments. But again, I never do. T3 is not like some other compounds that hit you in the face with side effects if you dose it a little off.
There's rarely a need to go over 100 mcg. I've done it, and many others have as well. But remember, that the more you use, the more you'll need to increase your steroid dose to protect your muscles. So don't get carried away with your doses. The highest I've done is not relevant to you as we've already mentioned individualism. So please don't ask because I won't tell. The point is, there is no need to go over 100 mcg.
If it's your first time with T3. Just start at 50 mcg daily. An ideal dose for most everyone after that first cycle is 75 mcg. That is 3 times what you normally produce. More than plenty to do the job. Once you go over 100 mcg, you'll need to adjust your testosterone dose to save your muscles. the 250 mg I suggested earlier is likely not effective enough at this stage.
You can run T3 for as long as you wish. There is no "Cut Off" point. Run it until you're satisfied with your results. Obviously these T3 cycles don't tend to last too long because we don't want to stay on steroids for too long either. So it's highly advised to discontinue use when you discontinue steroid use. Many have expressed concern that you have to taper down the dose before you come off of T3. This is false. You can stop cold turkey with no repercussions. Your thyroid gland will return to normal very quickly. I've used this compound for 6 months at a time alongside my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol. So for our "Cycles", you can expect your thyroid to return to normal function in a few days tops.
You can start T3 after you start steroid use. If using short esters, give it a week and start your T3. If using long esters, give it a couple weeks and start. Those periods really won't make that much difference, but it's a good idea to eliminate any possible issues.
There is no need to split your T3 dose into several doses daily. Just take your dose once a day, around the same time daily. You do not have to worry about what time of day, it does not matter. You do not have to worry about taking with or without food, it does not matter. Do not overthink this, please.

Cytomel (T3) powder Dosage and How to Use it Safely?

Because Cytomel is stronger than T4 only medications you should use some caution when starting and titration your dose.  
I recommend that EVERY patient who is using T3 medication do these two things:
(1)Monitor their resting heart rate (resting pulse) every morning
(2)Monitor their basal body temperature each morning
Cytomel and other forms of T3 will directly increase your metabolism thus resulting in a higher body temperature AND it will directly increase your heart rate by acting on cardiac myocytes.
By monitoring these variables you can ensure that you do NOT get too much T3 hormone and tip the balance in favor of hyperthyroid symptoms. Try to keep your pulse and resting heart rate within these ranges: Body temp no higher than 98.6
Resting heart rate no higher than 80-90 beats per minute while resting (note this is different from your resting heart rate while sleeping),I recommend using these metrics instead of recommending certain dosages because the variability between individuals is huge.
I have some patients who do great on 5mcg of Cytomel or T3 and some who do well on100mcg of Cytomel or T3 daily. Whenever starting Cytomel make sure to start LOW and titrate SLOW. A typical starting dose may be as low as 5-10mcg with an increase in dose by 5-10mcg every 10-14 days.
More sensitive patients should obviously start out lower and patients who have been on T3 previously can generally tolerate titrating to higher doses more quickly.



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