whatsapp:+8618928439036Exemestane/Aromasin raw powder CAS:107868-30-4

whatsapp:+8618928439036Exemestane/Aromasin raw powder CAS:107868-30-4

Exemestane is a steroidal Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) that is most commonly known as AromasinIt was used for natural or post-menopausal woman with an undeveloped condition or postmenopausal breast cancer after treatment with tamoxifen
 In fact, the Aromasin brand name is the only pharmaceutical grade brand of the Exemestane due to the tight patent Upjohn has maintained on the product. 
1. Names: 
 6-methylenandrosta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione 6-METHYLENEANDROSTA-1,4-DIENE-3,17-DIONE 10,13-dimethyl-6-methylidene-7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16-decahydrocyclopenta[a]phenanthrene- EXEMESTANE FCE-24304 AROMASIN Exemestan Exemestance 

2. Exemestane/Aromasin Usage:
Exemestane/Aromasin was oral uses.
In the market ,there are usually 2 specifications,Tablets: 25mg and Capsule: 25mg. And it should be run at 25mg one time,once a day.

3.Warning on Exemestane/Aromasin
the primary possible side effects of Exemestane include:
Weakness or Fatigue
Hot Flashes
High Blood Pressure
Joint Pain
Depression (rare)
Nausea and/or Vomiting (rare)
Also studies have shown the Exemestane may have the ability to decrease bone mineral content, which in turn could increase the individual’s risk of osteoporosis. This should not be a large concern for most steroid users as many steroids actually have the ability to greatly increase bone mineral content. 
The final side effect of Exemestane will revolve around cholesterol. Exemestane, like all Exemestane’s has the ability to negatively skew cholesterol levels.. Cholesterol, that is an issue of concern,  for a healthy adult to maintain proper cholesterol levels and use anabolic steroids, it will take some effort and is worthy of your attention.

4.Further instructions:

Exemestane also has the ability to stimulate natural testosterone production, which is precisely why some will include it during their PCT. Like Exemestane and Letrozole, Exemestane will stimulate the pituitary to release more Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), two hormones essential to natural testosterone production. While the other common AI’s share this trait, Exemestane has been shown to carry a slight androgenic effect, as well as the ability to increase the production of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). This is a trait no other AI can claim to carry. By using Exemestane during PCT, the individual receives the desired testosterone boost necessary for recovery, but with the IGF-1 increase also creates a stronger anabolic atmosphere. This is deemed useful by some steroid users as it could potentially give them the ability to protect their lean tissue all the more during use.
For more details, please contact with Emily
✉ aas11@aasraw.com
Skype: +8618928439036
Whatsapp/Wechat: +8618928439036



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