WhatsApp:+8618928439036 Methasteron/Superdrol raw powder/materials for b...

WhatsApp:+8618928439036 Methasteron/Superdrol raw powder/materials for bodybuilding CAS:3381-88-2

Superdrol, also known as Methasteron is a very active form of a designer supplement with highly anabolic results.  Created and licensed by Designer Supplements, this product was designed to have it all, achieving only the best attributes with minimal side effects.  You can expect to see dramatic and steady gains in strength measurable from one work out to the next!

What Can You Expect From Superdrol?
The gains from Superdrol are very dry and lean, which means that you are going to make steady and strong gains without the excess water weight.  All testers - who were selected in part because of their experience with running supplement growth cycles - found that the muscle gains produced from Superdrol were no less than 2/3 of anything they had ever tried before.  More interestingly, they found very few side-effects to complain about.

Superdrol has a capacity for impressive and consistent gains in strength.  Testers experienced dramatic and immediate strength gains, when consuming sufficient calories.  To their surprise and our delight, every single one became stronger every single workout, and many personal bests were recorded, while volume increased.  Gains are very dry, and it makes muscles noticeably more hard and dense.  The gains from Superdrol will be impressive, and they will not take long to start, but they will be more gradual and consistent.  Your numbers in the gym and on the tape measure will go up, not explosively, but they will go up surely and steadily.

The diuretic effects of Superdrol will at first mask the gains as you lose water and gain muscle.  When mass begins to increase, it should do so disproportionately compared to tape-measurements.  So if you are only checking the scale, or if you are not lean enough to notice the loss of water, persist and be rewarded.  What all this really means, is that you are likely to retain and be rewarded for all your work, instead of losing it as your water retention resides.

Along with marked increases in strength, all testers observed undeniable increases in their endurance, whether in cardio or adding to the sets they could perform.  Breathing and heart rates were not as high as expected.

When using Superdrol, fat will not magically melt away, but nor will it especially inhibit fat loss on a cut.  It is essentially fat loss neutral.

How Should It Be Used?
As with any compound, some people respond better than others.  What this means for you is that you will need somewhere between 10 and 40mg of Superdrol per day, depending on your weight and training level.  See the stacking guidelines for more details.  Using recommended dosages, the testers, on average, gained five pounds of muscle in under three weeks, while losing water and gaining no fat on hyper caloric bulking diets.  Superdrol is most effective when used during a bulking cycle.  When using Superdrol to bulk it is very important to take it with meals that consist of high complex carbohydrates and proteins.  Protein consumption should be around 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily.

For more details, please contact with Emily
✉ aas11@aasraw.com
Skype: +8618928439036
Whatsapp/Wechat: +8618928439036



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